
Digital Ads

Task Manager


Partner Center

Billing & Payments

What's New: 2023-02-23

This week, updates to Orders, Billing, and Inbox save you time by increasing clarity and transparency on core business functions.
View a dashboard and download reports of products that were deactivated or expired within a time period gain insight into which products your clients are perceiving as most and least valuable.
Access Inbox via a widget in the top menu of Partner Center to converse with teammates, vendors, and clients without clicking away from whatever you may be working on. 
See the total monthly spend on Digital Ads in addition to the ad spend and management fee breakdown.
Partner Center
Track all projects in progress in the Projects table, and reach out to the vendor - like Marketing Services - via Inbox if you have any questions.
Other Products
[Campaigns] Ability to duplicate email campaigns restored
[Listing Builder] Google Business profiles sync correctly after updating service area
[Reputation Management] Chamber of Commerce addresses populating accurately
[Social Marketing] "Create Report" view optimized for mobile
[Social Marketing] Scheduled Posts tab optimized for mobile
[Social Marketing] Load Instagram post previews
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