
Local SEO

Reputation Management

Social Marketing

Premium Reports

What's New: 2023-09-14

This week, Dakota Zirk shares updates to Local SEO, Social Marketing, and Reputation Management, and a sneak peek into our new upcoming Premium Reports that are going to bring BIG insights to your business.
Local SEO
  • Control access to editing keywords and radius settings. Learn more
  • Sync business attributes to Bing.
Reputation Management
  • Register SMS numbers in Reputation Management Premium.
Social Marketing
  • Share social content to custom feeds via API. Learn more
Coming October 3, 2023: Deliver actionable insights to every aspect of your business with a premium reporting tool designed to help you:
  • identify purchasing trends and find opportunities for expansion to new markets.
  • improve sales performance and forecasting accuracy with over ten reports to track and analyze everything from pipeline health to win rates.
  • track accounts receivable to stay on top of expected monthly income and overdue invoices.
  • monitor clients' connections to and engagement stats on social and listing sources.
  • review automation records to monitor execution and identify opportunities for further efficiency gains.
  • [coming later] get insights on profit by product and by customer to inform pricing adjustments, resource allocation, and more.
Powered by Looker, Google’s industry-leading solution for in-product reporting, you’ll be getting best in class technology and top notch data accuracy right within Partner Center. You'll be able to:
  • view dozens of reports required to run your business in one place, with more being added regularly.
  • control access by report to make sure sensitive information is protected
  • easily export data to CSV for further analysis.
  • [coming later] build your own, custom reports tailored to your business needs.
to be notified as soon as Premium Reports becomes available.