
Social Marketing


Partner Center


APIs & Integrations


What's Next

What's Next: 2024-01-15

This week, Maize Mugot brings you exciting updates coming to integrations, automations, and Social Marketing.
APIs & Integrations
  • Zapier is now available in Beta!
    Send data in and out of Vendasta with Zapier to make ideal workflows for you and your customers. With Vendasta's new Zapier app, you can connect almost anything to the CRM in Partner Center or Business App. To get started, go to Partner Center > Administration > Integrations > Zapier > Get Started.
    Please note: This is a beta release, with more features being added in the coming weeks.
  • [Automations] Run automations for Contacts and Companies that meet certain criteria in Automations by filtering contacts or companies by any fields on the Contact/Company record, including custom fields.
Social Marketing
  • Create multiple unique social posts from a single AI prompt to save time without sacrificing the quality or frequency of social media outreach.
    to track the progress of this release