

Social Marketing

Business App

Task Manager


Partner Center

Billing & Payments



Opportunities & Pipeline


What's Next

Coming Soon

What's Next: 2024-06-27

This week, Parker Reese shares four new integrations coming soon to Business App, and much more.
Business App
  • [Inbox] Sell Vendasta’s AI Web Chat widget for Inbox and SMS for Inbox as standalone products, available in Marketplace.
    Est. early July 2024
  • [Integrations] Integrate PetExec and Jobber with Business App.
    Est. early July 2024
  • [Integrations] Integrate Paw Partner and House Call Pro with Business App.
    Est. mid-July 2024
  • Enjoy simpler, more mobile friendly navigation in Business App that will help your clients find the most commonly used workflows, and not be overwhelmed by options. For example, the Dashboard tab will be renamed “Home,” and you’ll find Get Started and Recent Activity under there.
    These updates are being implemented in preparation for the Business App mobile app, which is scheduled to come available around the end of 2024.
    Est. Summer 2024
  • [Billing & Payments] Set products to be deactivated and billing stopped automatically at the end of a contract. Customize multiple end dates within a single order by updating the Billing Terms for each item. Can be set from the Opportunity or Order stages.
    Est. August 2024
  • [Task Manager] Manage Project and Task templates from one page, with a separate tab for each.
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Task Manager] Create tasks from templates with easy access to the template library from
    Task Manager > Tasks > Create task > Use task template
    Task Manager > Projects > Create task (dropdown beside Create project > Use task template.
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Social Marketing] Filter social posts by date, status, custom feed, or social account from
    Social Marketing > Posts
    Est. 28 June 2024
  • [Social Marketing] Generate reports of drafted and/or scheduled posts for any date range from
    Social Marketing > Calendar > Create Report
    Est. 28 June 2024